Tommie Starchild
“Resistance” is an oft heard - and necessary - battle cry in today’s world. There is also time for a gentler approach. Through observing water, and listening to what it has to teach, we learn about the path of least resistance. By listening to water, we begin to understand how water moves and flows, helping us move forward into acceptance, and how this acceptance can lead us to less suffering, and more compassion. The path of least resistance teaches us how to accept what is, and as water, still flow towards our desired destination.
Tommie StarChild is a spirit worker, witch, and initiate in the Elenkin lineage of the Anderson Feri tradition. StarChild has been a practicing witch since 1991. He has been teaching the tradition of Feri since 2006, and teaching witchery and the old ways since 2010. StarChild is also a published writer/artist, presenter, owner of My Authentic Self, and founder of Sacred Moon, Sacred Self – Temple of the Old Ways. He is a professional spirit worker/conjure man, and currently an apprentice of Orion Foxwood in the House of Brigh Faery Seership institute. In addition, StarChild has handcrafted a small, yet unique, conjure product line called - Moonshine Magic.