Patrick Graeme
Meditation Through an Animist Lens. Now with Squirrels!
Silent meditation is a keystone practice in many traditions that for many in the pagan community is difficult to put into practice because of the busy-ness of our modern lifestyles and mental load. This is an approach to that practice that I would like to offer to the community that relies on one simple visualization- that of the life cycle of a tree. By aligning our breathing to the rising and falling patterns of leaf production and shedding, I have found a way of quieting the mind that is simple and centered on nature. It also has a distinct advantage in that distracting thoughts find a suitable visual vehicle that fits in with the overarching meditative practice. In this session, I will talk about the various ways I put this mediation into practice, we will mediate together as the trees of a forest, and then discuss as a group our experiences and challenges with meditation.
About Patrick:
Patrick Graeme is a wanderer on many paths of magic, ecology, healing, and warriorship. Patrick’s first exposure to magic and paganism was through the Feri tradition with a strong emphasis on “Celtic” spirituality, though he has delved into numerous other practices such as Taoism, Thelemic Hermeticism, Anthroposophy, and the Sacred Firecircle. He is a member of the Coru Cathubodua Priesthood through which he has found a deeply nourishing and authentic spiritual practice.